Archive for September, 2007

Diary of a Layman #7 (Summer 2007): The Blue Pill or The Red Pill? (2007-9-16)

red-pill-or-blue-pill There’s a great scene in The Matrix that really reminds me of what’s going on in the world right now.

This is your last chance. After
this, there is no going back.
You take the blue pill and the
story ends. You wake in your bed
and you believe whatever you want
to believe.

The pills in his open hands are reflected in the glasses.

You take the red pill and you stay
in Wonderland and I show you how
deep the rabbit-hole goes.

Neo reaches for a pill but stops as MORPHEUS breaks the silence.

Remember, all I am offering you is
the truth. Nothing more.

Neo opens his mouth and swallows the red pill.

Follow me.