The Mystery of Dreams Finally Solved (2014-12-28)
Perhaps nothing to come out of the human mind has so fascinated, inspired, and confused us quite like dreams. There have been many theories as to what they are: the by-product of the mind categorizing memories as it organizes a day’s worth of data; the result of the brain trying to make sense of random neurotransmitter misfirings; how conscious thought delicately deals with subconscious stress; the communication of the soul with the brain; frequencies our brainwaves pick up from our future selves, the collective consciousness, aliens, or powerful forces with mind-manipulating technology; and on and on. There may be some truth to any of these theories, but for me, the explanation that makes the most sense not only explains the science of what dreams are, but also explains how they are often able to foretell the future, particularly, our individual and collective destiny.